me: Babe, I left my makeup at the security checkpoint (tears in my eyes)!
him: Are you sure? Maybe you left it in the seat at the gate.
me: No, I forgot it!
him: Did you leave it in the gift shop?
me: Maybe. I don't know. I've got to go get it (beads of sweat)!
him: They won't let you off the plane. I'll just buy you some more when we get to L.A.
me: BUY ME SOME MORE? YOU'RE JUST GONNA BUY ME OVER A THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF M.A.C. MAKEUP? JUST LIKE THAT? Do you know how long it took me to buy that amount of makeup and brushes? Some of that was limited edition stuff. It's irreplaceable (tears rolling).
him: You paid that much for makeup!
By the time we reached our layover in Phoenix, I was hyperventilating. I needed my arsenal. I called the airport gate and asked if they found it. No luck. I called the gift shop and asked if they found it. No luck. I called TSA and asked if they found it.
TSA: Is it a green plaid case with makeup inside?
me: YES, YES, YES! Please hold it for me.
My brilliant boyfriend reminds me that his parents are coming the next day and could pick it up and bring it with them. Genius! So I only had to go one night without the good stuff. My in laws met us the next morning with my cosmetics, and my life wasn't over. See, and you thought happy endings only happened in
My cousin is hilarious!!!